I am looking at your WPP app and it watermarks perfectly. Stephen Tapp

You can use the following macros in the Text watermark or in the File Mask for making new file name. There are several macros which you can use only for creation HTML gallery.
Macro prefixes
If you add before name of macros one of the macroprefix character, result of the macros will be transformed by rule for the macroprefix. For example: %!copyright% transform all characters of your copyright string to upper case.
Macroprefix | Description |
. | convert all characters to lower case |
! | convert all characters to upper case |
' | quoting the value of macros |
" | quoting the value of macros |
& | convert string to HTML format: change & to &, < - to <,... |
Common macros
You can use marcos in the text of your watermark. For example, you write text "Now: %date%" in the watermarked image you will see "Now: 25.05.2002" where 25.05.2002 is date when the image was watermarked. You can automatically insert information about date and time, parameters of image, information of filename and size, from EXIF, IPTC and GPS info.
Macros | Description |
%file% | Full file name of source image |
%filepath% | Path of source image file |
%filename% | Only file name of source file |
%fileext% | Only file extension of source file |
%rfile% | Full file name of protected image |
%rfilepath% | Path of protected image file |
%rfilename% | Only file name of protected file |
%rfileext% | Only file extension of protected file |
%size% | Size of source image (bytes) |
%sizeKb% | Size of source image (Kbytes) |
%sizeMb% | Size of source image (Mbytes) |
%width% | Width of image (pixels) |
%height% | Height of image (pixels) |
%day% | Current day |
%month% | Current month |
%year% | Current year |
%hour% | Current hour |
%min% | Current min |
%sec% | Current seconds |
%date% | Current date |
%time% | Current Time |
%fday% | Original image file day |
%fmonth% | Original image file month |
%fyear% | Original image file year |
%fhour% | Original image file hour |
%fmin% | Original image file min |
%fsec% | Original image file seconds |
%fdate% | Original image file date |
%ftime% | Original image file Time |
Macros for EXIF, IPTC and GPS parameters
You can use the following macros for adding parameters in the Text watermark.
Note! You must add % to the begin and end of the macros
when you insert it in parsed text for calling ParseText() or in the watermark text (property Text).
Note! Not all of the following field must be present in your images.
EXIF macros
EXIF Macros Name | Description |
InteroperabilityIndex | |
InteroperabilityVersion | |
ACDComment | |
NewSubfileType | |
SubfileType | |
ImageWidth | |
ImageLength | |
BitsPerSample | |
Compression | |
PhotometricInterpretation | |
FillOrder | |
DocumentName | |
ImageDescription | |
Make | |
Model | |
StripOffsets | |
Orientation | |
SamplesPerPixel | |
RowsPerStrip | |
StripByteCounts | |
MinSampleValue | |
MaxSampleValue | |
XResolution | |
YResolution | |
PlanarConfiguration | |
PageName | |
XPosition | |
YPosition | |
FreeOffsets | |
FreeByteCounts | |
GrayReponseUnit | |
GrayReponseCurve | |
T4Options | |
T6Options | |
ResolutionUnit | |
PageNumber | |
TransferFunction | |
Software | |
DateTime | |
Artist | |
HostComputer | |
Predictor | |
WhitePoint | |
PrimaryChromaticities | |
ColorMap | |
HalfToneHints | |
TileWidth | |
TileLength | |
TileOffsets | |
TileByteCounts | |
SubIFDs | |
InkSet | |
InkNames | |
NumberOfInks | |
DotRange | |
TargetPrinter | |
ExtraSample | |
SampleFormat | |
SMinSampleValue | |
SMaxSampleValue | |
TransferRange | |
ClipPath | |
XClipPathUnits | |
YClipPathUnits | |
Indexed | |
JPEGTables | |
OPIProxy | |
JPEGProc | |
JPEGInterchangeFormat | |
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength | |
JPEGRestartInterval | |
JPEGLosslessPredictors | |
JPEGPointTransforms | |
JPEGQTables | |
JPEGDCTables | |
JPEGACTables | |
YCbCrCoefficients | |
YCbCrSubSampling | |
YCbCrPositioning | |
ReferenceBlackWhite | |
ExtensibleMetadataPlatform | |
Gamma | |
ICCProfileDescriptor | |
SRGBRenderingIntent | |
ImageTitle | |
RelatedImageFileFormat | |
RelatedImageWidth | |
RelatedImageHeight | |
ResolutionXUnit | |
ResolutionYUnit | |
ResolutionXLengthUnit | |
ResolutionYLengthUnit | |
PrintFlags | |
PrintFlagsVersion | |
PrintFlagsCrop | |
PrintFlagsBleedWidth | |
PrintFlagsBleedWidthScale | |
HalftoneLPI | |
HalftoneLPIUnit | |
HalftoneDegree | |
HalftoneShape | |
HalftoneMisc | |
HalftoneScreen | |
JPEGQuality | |
GridSize | |
ThumbnailFormat | |
ThumbnailWidth | |
ThumbnailHeight | |
ThumbnailColorDepth | |
ThumbnailPlanes | |
ThumbnailRawBytes | |
ThumbnailSize | |
ThumbnailCompressedSize | |
ColorTransferFunction | |
ThumbnailData | |
ThumbnailImageWidth | |
ThumbnailImageHeight | |
ThumbnailBitsPerSample | |
ThumbnailCompression | |
ThumbnailPhotometricInterp | |
ThumbnailImageDescription | |
ThumbnailEquipMake | |
ThumbnailEquipModel | |
ThumbnailStripOffsets | |
ThumbnailOrientation | |
ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel | |
ThumbnailRowsPerStrip | |
ThumbnailStripBytesCount | |
ThumbnailResolutionX | |
ThumbnailResolutionY | |
ThumbnailPlanarConfig | |
ThumbnailResolutionUnit | |
ThumbnailTransferFunction | |
ThumbnailSoftwareUsed | |
ThumbnailDateTime | |
ThumbnailArtist | |
ThumbnailWhitePoint | |
ThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities | |
ThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients | |
ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling | |
ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning | |
ThumbnailRefBlackWhite | |
ThumbnailCopyRight | |
LuminanceTable | |
ChrominanceTable | |
FrameDelay | |
LoopCount | |
PixelUnit | |
PixelPerUnitX | |
PixelPerUnitY | |
PaletteHistogram | |
ImageID | |
Matteing | |
DataType | |
ImageDepth | |
TileDepth | |
CFARepeatPatternDim | |
CFAPattern | |
BatteryLevel | |
Copyright | |
ExposureTime | |
FNumber | |
IT8RasterPadding | |
IT8ColorTable | |
ImageResourceInformation | |
ExifOffset | |
InterColorProfile | |
ExposureProgram | |
SpectralSensitivity | |
GPSInfo | |
ISOSpeedRatings | |
OECF | |
Interlace | |
TimeZoneOffset | |
SelfTimerMode | |
ExifVersion | |
DateTimeOriginal | |
DateTimeDigitized | |
ComponentsConfiguration | |
CompressedBitsPerPixel | |
ShutterSpeedValue | |
ApertureValue | |
BrightnessValue | |
ExposureBiasValue | |
MaxApertureValue | |
SubjectDistance | |
MeteringMode | |
LightSource | |
Flash | |
FocalLength | |
FlashEnergy | |
SpatialFrequencyResponse | |
Noise | |
FocalPlaneXResolution | |
FocalPlaneYResolution | |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit | |
ImageNumber | |
SecurityClassification | |
ImageHistory | |
SubjectLocation | |
ExposureIndex | |
TIFF/EPStandardID | |
SensingMethod | |
StoNits | |
MakerNote | |
UserComment | |
SubSecTime | |
SubSecTimeOriginal | |
SubSecTimeDigitized | |
ImageSourceData | |
Title | |
Comments | |
Author | |
Keywords | |
Subject | |
FlashPixVersion | |
ColorSpace | |
ExifImageWidth | |
ExifImageLength | |
RelatedSoundFile | |
InteroperabilityOffset | |
FlashEnergy | |
SpatialFrequencyResponse | |
FocalPlaneXResolution | |
FocalPlaneYResolution | |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit | |
ImageNumber | |
SecurityClassification | |
ImageHistory | |
SubjectLocation | |
ExposureIndex | |
TIFF/EPStandardID | TIFF/EPStandardID |
SensingMethod | |
FileSource | |
SceneType | |
CFAPattern | |
CustomRendered | |
ExposureMode | |
WhiteBalance | |
DigitalZoomRatio | |
FocalLengthin35mmFilm | |
SceneCaptureType | |
GainControl | |
Contrast | |
Saturation | |
Sharpness | |
DeviceSettingDescription | |
SubjectDistanceRange | |
ImageUniqueID | |
Unknown | |
IPTC macros
IPTC Macros Name | Description |
SKIP | Record Version |
ObjectName | Object name |
Urgency | Urgency |
SubRef | Subject Reference |
Category | Category |
SuppCategory | Supplemental category |
FixtureID | Fixture ID |
Keywords | Keywords |
SpecialInstru | Special Instructions |
DateCreated | Date created |
TimeCreated | Time created |
OriginatingProgram | Originating Program |
ProgramVersion | Program version |
ByLine | ByLine |
ByLineTitle | ByLine Title |
City | City |
SubLocation | Sublocation |
State | Province/State |
LocationCode | Country/Primary Location Code |
LocationName | Country/Primary Location Name |
TransmissionRef | Original Transmission Reference |
ImageHeadline | Image headline |
ImageCredit | Image credit |
Source | Source |
Copyright | Copyright Notice |
Contact | Contact |
ImageCaption | Image caption |
ImageCaptionWriter | Image caption writer |
ImageType | Image type |
Orientation | Image Orientation |
LangID | Language ID |
Subfile | Subfile |
GPS macros
GPS Macros Name | Description |
GPSVersionID | |
GPSLatitudeRef | |
GPSLatitude | |
GPSLongitudeRef | |
GPSLongitude | |
GPSAltitudeRef | |
GPSAltitude | |
GPSTimeStamp | |
GPSSatellites | |
GPSStatus | |
GPSMeasureMode | |
GPSSpeedRef | |
GPSSpeed | |
GPSTrackRef | |
GPSTrack | |
GPSImageDirectionRef | |
GPSImageDirection | |
GPSMapDatum | |
GPSDestLatitudeRef | |
GPSDestLatitude | |
GPSDestLongitudeRef | |
GPSDestLongitude | |
GPSDestBearingkRef | |
GPSDestBearing | |
GPSDestDistanceRef | |
GPSDestDistance | |
GPSProcessingMode | |
GPSAreaInformation | |
GPSDateStamp | |
GPSDifferential | |
See also
Download AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
Example 1 of usage AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
Example 2 of usage AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
Order AiS Watermark Pictures Protector