Order Watermarker.com (CD collection #1)
You can buy CD-ROM "Watermarker.com (CD Collection #1)" with about hundred high resolution Autumn photos (JPEG 1600x1200, 180dpi) and receive trial versions of AiS Watermark Pictures Protector and AiS Watermarker ActiveX on this CD-ROM.
You can receive the "CD Collection #1" for free, if you buy one of our products with delivery on CD-ROM.
Within two days after you order a CD, SwiftCD.com will send it to you by First Class airmail. Most shipments arrive in less than a week, but of course it depends on your location and the efficiency of your postal service. If you have questions about your shipment, send an e-mail to order.tracking@swiftcd.com, and be sure to give them your OrderID and TrackingID.