I am looking at your WPP app and it watermarks perfectly. Stephen Tapp

You can protect pictures, protect photos and protect images by using the AiS WPP watermarking software with transparent watermarks.
- Adding transparent text in all corners of the image and adding image watermark in the center:
- Adding transparent text in the top left and bottom right corners with image parameters. Use this watermark text "%filename%%fileext% (%width%x%height%) %sizeKb%Kb":
- Adding transparent stretched rotated text in one position:
- Adding transparent stretched tiled text:
- Adding transparent rotated tiled text ("Copyright © %year% Watermarker.com") by tile:
- Protect JPEG image with transparent text in five positions:
- Protect transparent GIF image.
Original image:
Protected image:
- Protect animated GIF image.
Original image:
Protected image:
Please download and try free evaluation version (1.6 Mb)
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See also
Download AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
Order AiS Watermark Pictures Protector
Watermarker ActiveX